Weekday Preschool

Openings for Three year olds & PreK/Four year olds still available for the 2024-2025 school year.

Open House Tours

Open House tour dates for the 2025-2026 school year
are now available.

Tours can be scheduled between 9:45 am - 11:30 am
on the following dates:
January 22nd, January 30th & February 6th.

Preschool Information

Thank you for your interest in our preschool. We are very excited about the wonderful program LNBC has developed for the children in our community! Outlined below are “highlights” of our program.

Classes Offered

2-Year Old Classes
2-Year Old Classes

2 classes available
Meets 2 days a week Mon/Wed or Tues/Thur
8 students + 2 teachers (4:1 ratio)

3-Year Old Classes
3-Year Old Classes

3 classes available
Meets 3 days a week: Tues/Wed/Thur
10 students + 2 teachers (5:1 ratio)


3 classes available
Meets 4 days a week: Mon/Tues/Wed/Thur
12 students + 2 teachers (6:1 ratio)

Transitional Kindergarten
Transitional Kindergarten

1 class available
Meets 4 days a week: Mon/Tues/Wed/Thur
14 students + 2 teachers (7:1 ratio)

More About Transitional Kindergarten

Lake Norman Baptist Transitional Kindergarten is a program designed for those 5-year-olds who need an additional year to grow emotionally, academically, or socially before entering the kindergarten year. The curriculum will include reading, writing and math readiness skills. The students will be given more time and opportunities to absorb these academic concepts so that their knowledge base will be strong upon entering kindergarten.

School Hours & Calendar

– LNBC Preschool hours of operation are 9:00am – 12:50pm
– Pickup time is from 12:50pm – 12:59pm
– The school year begins on the Tuesday following Labor Day and ends the Wednesday before Memorial Day.
– LNBC Preschool follows the Charlotte-Mecklenburg School System calendar.



LNBC is blessed with wonderful, dedicated and talented teachers. During the day your children will experience small and large group  time, show and tell, center time, art, outdoor play, stories and individual attention. We are very fortunate to have the gymnasium upstairs for “outdoor play” when the weather doesn’t allow us to go outside. Teachers cover moral and spiritual topics as well as developmental skills necessary for the next age/grade level. We encourage “child-centered” activities that help children gain confidence and strengthen pre-writing skills.



LNBC is a church that strives to be “on mission for Christ.” There are several ways our Preschool Families can get involved. We participate in Samaritans Purse/Operation Christmas Child every November. Families may be asked to donate items to help fill shoe boxes that will be sent to children all over the world. We also work with Angels & Sparrows, a soup kitchen in Huntersville and our mobile food ministry here at LNBC, Bread of Life, along with Caterpillar Ministries, a local ministry that focuses on children and families in our community.



We have a dynamic music program. Each age group attends a music class twice each week. The class is designed to allow preschoolers to experience music through movement and individual expression. Some activities include: playing instruments, interpretive dance, dramatic play, “feet” painting to classical music and fun with bubbles. Children share in Bible songs, classical and children’s favorites, instructional songs along with holiday music and songs that correspond to the classroom lesson themes.

Special Events

Special Events

Each month our children participate in a school wide special event. These programs are brought to LNBC so that our children will enjoy a “hands-on” experience in a comfortable environment. Parents are welcome to attend our events so that they may enjoy them with their children. In the past, some of the events have included: Corky the Clown, Fire Safety, Irish Dancers, Movies ‘n Munchies, Petting Zoo, Sprout ‘n Shout, and Story Tellers.